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Health, Safety, and Environment: see how we operate

We are guided by our HSE Policy, which defines the principles and guidelines that base our decision-making processes and workforce behavior.
Man and woman planting seedlings for the Amazon Mangroves, a socio-environmental project supported by Petrobras.

Caring for Heath, Safety, and Environment (HSE) is the guide to our work

To reduce risks to human health and the environment, our operations have action plans and emergency drills, and our workforce undergoes frequent training courses. In addition, we sponsor a series of environmental projects aimed at mitigating carbon emissions, protecting endangered environments and species, and conserving biodiversity.

Learn about our principles

Our Heath, Safety, and Environment activities are guided by the five principles of our HSE Policy. Check out each one of them:

HSE is Value

The workforce is committed to looking out for each other in the workplace and, when in doubt, to stop and seek help.   Our zero fatality and zero leak ambitions, sustainability goals and comitments, including climate change requestes, are integrated to our strategy and decision processes.

Respect for life

By caring for people and promoting an ethical, healthy and safe environment, we are committed to:
  • A fair culture of HSE based on mutual trust, transparency and learning from experience.
  • Encouraging people's protagonism in the continuous improvement of safety, health and well-being.

Risk-Based Management

We seek excellence in process safety at all stages of the life cycle of our assets, and we are committed to the following:
  • Continuous learning and innovation aimed at proactively reducing risks.
  • Readiness for emergency situations in order to ensure the speed and effectiveness of the response.

Business Sustainability

We conduct our business and activities with environmental responsibility by contributing to:
  • Sustainable development, and we are committed to the goal of carbon neutrality in our operations.
  • Preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts of activities and products and the improvement of the environmental quality where we operate.​​​​​​​

We reaffirm our commitment to:

We reaffirm our commitment to:
  • ​​​​​​​Sharing lessons learned and best HSE practices with our supply chain and partners, strengthening Petrobras' position of excellence in HSE.
  • Compliance with legislation, rules, standards and commitments to which the company is a signatory, communicating information in a transparent and correct manner.

Learn our HSE guidelines

Our HSE Policy also includes, in addition to our principles, 15 HSE guidelines. Get to know them:
Leadership and Responsibility

Integrate health, safety, and environment into the company's strategy, reaffirming the workforce's commitment to the HSE Policy and ensuring the necessary resources to pursue excellence in HSE.

Legal Compliance
Maintain compliance with current legislation on health, safety, and environment throughout the life cycle of the company's activities.
Risk Management and Assessment
Identify, assess and manage the risks inherent to the company's activities, in order to avoid the occurrence of accidents and/or ensure the minimization of their effects.
Investments and Divestments

Pursuing the best safety, environment and health practices in investments and divestments.

Operation and Maintenance
Carry out the company's operations in accordance with established procedures, using facilities and equipment in conditions to ensure compliance with health, safety, and environment requirements.
Change Management

Manage changes, whether temporary or permanent, with the purpose of mitigating health, safety, and environmental risks arising from their implementation.

Purchase of Goods and Services

Adopt appropriate HSE requirements in Goods and Service Agreements and encourage proactive work by its workforce with partners and members of the supply chain, in order to ensure that they are aligned with our HSE and climate change values, ambitions, goals, commitments and performance.

Continuous Learning
Continuously promote the training, education and awareness of its employees, promoting a systemic and integrated view of technical aspects and human factors, strengthening organizational learning, HSE performance and culture.
Information Management
Ensuring that information related to health, safety, and environment is complete and available, enabling faster decision-making based on reliable analytical data and generating knowledge and value for the company.
Communicate information related to health, safety, and environment with clarity, accuracy and diligence, in order to serve different stakeholders.
Quickly and effectively anticipate and deal with emergency situations in order to minimize their effects.
Relations with the Community
Mitigate risks and impacts on health, safety, and environment for neighboring communities, in the territories where it operates, keeping them engaged and informed about the company's activities.
Accidents and Incidents Analysis
Analyze, investigate and document accidents and incidents resulting from the company's activities, in order to favor learning from experience, improving preventive and mitigating safeguards, aiming to make the company increasingly resilient.
Product Management
Manage risks and reduce the health, safety, and environmental impacts of our products in production, marketing and end use, considering their life cycle.
Continuous Improvement Process
Implement and maintain mechanisms for measuring, evaluating and improving performance in health, safety, and environment throughout the company, in order to ensure its continuous improvement.
To implement our projects, we go through environmental licensing processes, which include an analysis of possible impacts on the region.

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