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Logistics: we cross borders and horizons

We cross the sky, land, and sea to bring our energy to people around the world. Find out how we integrate our transport and sale.

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Do we go further to take our energy, or do we use our energy to go further?

Our daily petroleum production in Brazil is more than 2 million barrels of oil equivalent — sufficient to supply the routine of millions of people. But this is only possible because we have traveled a long journey.

We create paths to allow people and materials to reach the operating units. To make the petroleum reach the refineries. To make derivates to reach all regions of the country. We work together with Transpetro, our logistics subsidiary, to transport, store, import, and export with the utmost safety and agility

Find out how we integrate our logistics

Our work begins long before the petroleum reaches dry land. Discover our main logistics activities. 

At sea

In the land

Up in the air

To explore the bottom of the sea, we also dominate the surface

Our waterway terminals are operated next to Transpetro by means of piers, monobuoys, or spread mooring. With them, we do it:
  • Flow of petroleum production and transport to the mainland.
  • Import and export of petroleum and derivates.
  • Support for transfer operations (offloading), maintenance and inspection of ocean terminals.
  • Coastal navigation (maritime transport between ports within the country) of petroleum and derivates.
  • Logistics of materials, equipment, water, diesel, and food for maritime units.
  • Treatment and disposal of waste from petroleum exploration and production processes.
  • Readiness and control of possible oil emergencies at sea.
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We produce fuel and asphalt, and we also insist on using

On a daily basis, we cross Brazilian soil from north to south and from east to west to transport petroleum and derivates with agility and security among our operations.

In addition to road presence, which covers a large part of the national network, our main land movement takes place through pipelines and oil pipelines operated by Transpetro.

By uniting road and pipeline transport, we are able to connect our petroleum refineries, gas treatment units and thermoelectric plants among themselves and with companies that use our products, such as other oil companies, distributors, and petrochemical companies.

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The sky has never been a limit for our logistics operations

Our most important assets pass through here: people. In 2020, we transported more than 5,000 passengers, a crowd equivalent to the number of visitors to Fernando de Noronha for 3 years! We are responsible for 20% of all air transport in the worldwide petroleum and gas offshore industry.

Air operations are also used to assist with inspections, medical needs, and transportation of materials to offshore assets.

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Main products transported

LCO, NGL, LPG… Before moving on, let's stop to learn a little more about the products we produce and transport.


Our main raw material, which can be transformed into various products through refining.

Clean products

Name used to group different light-colored petroleum derivates, such as gasoline.

Dark products

Name used to group dark petroleum derivates such as bunker oil.

Fuel oil

It is used in boilers and engines in thermoelectric power plants, for example.

Natural Gas Liquid (NGL)

Derived from natural gas refining, NGL is used as a component of gasoline.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

It is the traditional kitchen gas, which can be propane, butane, or a mixture of the two gases

Cracking Diesel Oil (LCO)

Also called light oil, LCO is derived from oil refining


It can be derived from petroleum (ethanol) or made from plant waste (bioethanol)

A complex network of terminals and pipelines to simplify logistics

To store and distribute our petroleum and derivates safely and quickly, we use an integrated network of 49 logistics terminals, connected by 38 pipelines and oil pipelines.

Angra dos Reis


Barra do Riacho







Campos Elíseos








Ilha d'Água

Ilha Redonda







Madre de Deus




Norte Capixaba




Bahia Regasification Terminal (TRBA)

Baía de Guanabara LNG Regasification Terminal

Pecém LNG Regasification Terminal

Ribeirão Preto

Rio Grande


São Caetano do Sul

São Francisco do Sul

São Luís

São Sebastião 

Senador Canedo





Volta Redonda

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Angra dos Reis

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Ícone do botão Angra dos Reis - Rio de Janeiro
The terminal is used as an export and coastal navigation entrepôt for smaller terminals, in addition to exporting domestic production fuel oil surplus. It also serves for the development of a bunker used to supply the drillships that operate in the terminal and in the ports of Mangaratiba and Sepetiba.
  • ORBIG oil pipeline
Picture of the Angra dos Reis logistics terminal, owned by Petrobras.
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Ícone do botão Aracaju - Sergipe
It is responsible for the storage and shipment of the oil produced in Sergipe, on the continental shelf and in the onshore fields of Carmópolis, Siriri, and Riachuelo. It is also used as an entrepôt to store oil from the Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Amazonas, Alagoas, and Espírito Santo basins.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Aracaju.
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Barra do Riacho

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Ícone do botão Aracruz - Espírito Santo
Located in Aracruz/ES, this terminal receives LPG and Natural Gasoline (C5+) from the Cacimbas Gas Treatment Unit (UTGC), through 2 pipelines of approximately 77 km. C5+ is shipped by drillship and LPG can be shipped by drillship or by road loading.
Picture of the Petrobras Barra do Riacho logistics terminal.
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Ícone do botão Barueri - São Paulo
The terminal receives, stores, and transfers petroleum and alcohol derivates from the refineries in Paulínia, Vale do Paraíba, and Capuava, and from the terminals in São Caetano do Sul, Guarulhos, Guararema, and Cubatão for distribution. It also performs road loading of liquefied petroleum gas.
  • OBATI oil pipeline
  • OPASA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Barueri.
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Ícone do botão Belém - Pará
The Belém waterway terminal supplies the states of Pará and Amapá. With it, we transport products to the Vila do Conde terminal and transfer them to the Outeiro terminal.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Belém.
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Ícone do botão Biguaçu - Santa Catarina
The Biguaçu land terminal is located 25 km from Florianópolis, and it receives and stores products to supply its region of influence.
  • OPASC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Biguaçu.
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Ícone do botão Brasília - Distrito Federal
The land terminal in Brasília stores and distributes derivate products to distribution companies in the region.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Brasília.
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Ícone do botão Cabedelo - Paraíba
The Cabedelo waterway terminal receives petroleum derivates by drillships and alcohol by tanker trucks. From there, we distribute these products to meet the energy demands of the state of Paraíba.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Cabedelo .
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Ícone do botão Macaé - Rio de Janeiro
The main activities of the Cabiúnas onshore terminal are receiving and storing petroleum from the Campos Basin via the Cabiúnas-Barra do Furado oil pipeline, and the Campos Elíseos terminal via the Cabiúnas-Duque de Caxias oil pipeline.
  • OSDUC oil pipeline
  • OCAB oil pipeline
Picture of Petrobras logistics terminal in Cabiúnas .
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Campos Elíseos

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Macaé - Rio de Janeiro
It receives and stores petroleum originating from Angra dos Reis, Macaé, and Ilha D'água, in addition to supplying petroleum and diesel oil from the Gabriel Passos Refinery (Regap). It also monitors the operations of the Osrio Oil Pipeline, receiving gasoline, diesel, and alcohol for the Volta Redonda Distribution Base.
  • ORBEL I oil
  • ORBEL II oil pipeline
  • ORBIG oil pipeline
  • Pipelines to Reduc
  • OSDUC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Campos Elíseos.
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Ícone do botão
Candeias - Bahia
Main outlet for production at the Mataripe Refinery (RLAM), whose derivates supply the state of Sergipe and Northern Bahia.
  • BECAN 6 and 8 oil pipelines
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Candeias.
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Ícone do botão Coari - Amazonas
Essential terminal for the flow of petroleum and gas produced in Urucu. It stores and delivers to drillships to supply petroleum to the Manaus Refinery and supply the LPG market in the states of Pará, Rondônia, Maranhão, and part of Ceará and Pernambuco.
  • ORSOL I and II oil pipelines
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Coari.
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Ícone do botão Cubatão - São Paulo
It connects Planalto Paulista, Baixada Santista, and Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC). It is used as an intermediate storage park for pumping or receiving products, such as: derivates in general, petroleum, LPG, non-specification gasoline, and petrochemical naphtha.
  • Pipelines to Santos
  • Pipelines to RPBC
  • SSPA 1 and 2 oil pipelines
  • SSPB, SSPC, and SSPT oil pipelines
  • OSSPP 12 oil pipeline
  • OSBAT oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Cubatão.
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Ícone do botão Guamaré - Rio Grande do Norte
The Guamaré waterway terminal serves mainly as a storage and flow point for the oil production for the petroleum production from the land fields of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This service is carried out by coastal navigation or long-haul trips.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Guamaré.
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Ícone do botão Guaramirim - Santa Catarina 
Located 28 km from Joinville, the terminal is responsible for storing products and supplying its region of influence. It receives, by bleeding, ambient diesel oil, gasoline, anhydrous and hydrated ethanol. Its operations are centralized in the Control Room and executed by the Supervisory System.
  • OPASC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Guaramirim.
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Ícone do botão Guararema - São Paulo
The Guararema Terminal supplies the Paulínia, Vale do Paraíba, and Capuava refineries, acting as an intermediary for the São Sebastião Terminal.
  • OSRIO oil pipeline
  • OSPLAN I oil pipeline
  • OSPLAN II oil pipeline
  • OSVAT oil pipeline
  • RV16 oil pipeline
  • OSVAT 22 and 24 oil pipelines
  • OSVAT 30 oil pipeline
  • OSVAT 34 oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Guararema.
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Ícone do botão Guarulhos - São Paulo
It receives derivates from the Vale do Paraíba, Paulínia, Guararema, São Caetano do Sul, Capuava, and São Sebastião refineries. It also stores and transports gasoline, diesel, alcohol, and QAV-1, and transfers jet fuel to fuel planes at the São Paulo International Airport (Cumbica).
  • OSVAT 16 oil pipeline
  • OSVAT 22 and 24 oil pipelines
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Guarulhos.
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Ilha d'Água

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Ícone do botão Ilha d'Água - Rio de Janeiro
It carries out coastal navigation operations and import and export of oil derivates, facilitating the flow of various products to/from the Duque de Caxias Refinery. With that, we provide a bunker for drillships moored at the terminal, through pipelines, or for anchored drillships, through barges.
  • Pipelines to Reduc
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Ilha d'Água.
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Ilha Redonda

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Ícone do botão Ilha Redonda - Rio de Janeiro
The Ilha Redonda waterway terminal is tied-in by a gas pipeline to the Duque de Caxias Refinery. With it, we carry out coastal navigation operations, import and export of LPG, butadiene, and propylene.
  • LPG-Reduc oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Ilha Redonda.
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Ícone do botão Itabuna - Bahia
The Itabuna Terminal receives and stores diesel, gasoline, and LPG from the Madre de Deus Terminal, via the Recôncavo-Sul da Bahia Oil Pipeline (Orsub), and anhydrous and hydrated alcohol by road. Afterwards, it transfers the products to the distribution companies by loading platform with tank trucks.
  • ORSUB oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Itabuna.
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Ícone do botão Itajaí - Santa Catarina
The terminal receives and stores ambient diesel oil, gasoline, anhydrous alcohol, hydrated alcohol, and LPG to supply its region of influence. All operations, with the exception of some secondary and occasional operations, will be centralized in the Control Room and carried out through the Supervisory.
  • OPASC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Itajaí.
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Ícone do botão Japeri - Rio de Janeiro
The terminal has tankage to supply the Volta Redonda Terminal with diesel and gasoline. For that purpose, it has 6 storage tanks for gasoline and diesel and 2 for waste.
  • OSRIO oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Japeri.
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Ícone do botão Jequié - Bahia
The Jequié Terminal receives and stores diesel, gasoline, and LPG from the Madre de Deus Terminal, via the Recôncavo-Sul da Bahia Oil Pipeline (Orsub), and anhydrous and hydrated alcohol by road. Afterwards, it transfers the products to the distribution companies by loading platform with tank trucks.
  • ORSUB oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Jequié.
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Ícone do botão Macapá - Amapá
It transships diesel from drillship to the floating tankage (BS7 ferry) and then to the shuttle crane barges of the distribution companies that serve the region. Diesel is for road consumption and, mainly, for the generation of electricity for the state of Amapá.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Macapá.
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Ícone do botão Maceió - Alagoas
It operates with tank trucks for the transport of diesel, gasoline, petroleum, and alcohol, directly to distributors. The movement of products seeks to serve the state of Alagoas, neighboring cities, refineries, and alcohol importing countries.
  • OPMAC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Maceió.
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Madre de Deus

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Ícone do botão Madre de Deus - Bahia
The Madre de Deus waterway terminal is the main outlet for the flow of production of the Mataripe Refinery, whose derivates supply the North and Northeast regions.
  • ORSUB oil pipeline
  • Pipelines to RLAM
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Madre de Deus.
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Ícone do botão Manaus - Amazonas
The Manaus waterway terminal is located at the Isaac Sabbá Refinery, and it is used as an entry and exit port for products handled and produced by it.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Manaus.
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Ícone do botão Mucuripe - Ceará
The terminal concentrates the entry and exit of products from our refinery in Ceará. At its pier, the oil arrives to be processed and the derivates are sent to distributors, serving the local market. We also supply vessels with a bunker at the commercial pier at the Port of Mucuripe.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Mucuripe.
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Ícone do botão Canoas - Rio Grande do Sul
Located in the city of Canoas, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS, the terminal loads tank barges with bunkers and road transport of light oil from recycling, in addition to receiving marine fuel oil by tank trucks. Its main pier has capacity for vessels of up to 4,000 DWT.
  • ORNIT oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Niterói.
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Norte Capixaba

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Ícone do botão São Mateus -  Espírito Santo
The Norte Capixaba waterway terminal receives oil from onshore fields in the north of Espírito Santo and transports the product by drillships moored in monobuoys.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Norte Capixaba.
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Ícone do botão Osório - Rio Grande do Sul
Unsheltered ocean terminal, consisting of 2 monobuoy systems installed in the open sea, close to the coast of Tramandaí/RS. These systems are designed for mooring ships in petroleum and derivates (naphtha, diesel, petrochemical condensate, and gasoline) loading and unloading operations.
  • OSCAN oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Osório.
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Ícone do botão Paranaguá - Paraná
The Paranaguá waterway terminal operates tied-in to the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery and also provides a bunker for drillships in the Port of Paranaguá. Derivates are disposed of by road and rail, and by oil pipelines.
  • OLAPA oil pipeline
  • OPASC oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Paranaguá.
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Ícone do botão Paulínia - São Paulo
It stores hydrated ethanol and anhydrous ethanol transported from Ribeirão Preto/SP to the Paulínia Refinery (Replan). The unit, with a capacity of 216,400m³, has a strategic role in the flow of ethanol production from regions in the countryside of the state of São Paulo.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
  • OSPLAN I oil pipeline
  • OSPLAN II oil pipeline
  • OSVAT 30 oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Paulínia.
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Terminal de Regaseificação da Bahia (TRBA)

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Ícone do botão Madre de Deus - Bahia
The third LNG Regasification Flexible Terminal in Brazil, TRBA has the capacity to heat, regasify, and inject up to 14 million m³/day into the GASCAC Gas Pipeline.
Picture of the Petrobras Bahia Regasification Terminal (TRBA).
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Baía de Guanabara LNG Regasification Terminal

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Ícone do botão Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro
The Baía de Guanabara LNG Regasification Flexible Terminal has the capacity to transfer up to 14 million m³/day of natural gas to the Southeast gas pipeline network. It supplies, mainly, the thermoelectric plants in the region.
Picture of the Petrobras Baía de Guanabara LNG Regasification Terminal.
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Pecém LNG Regasification Terminal

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Ícone do botão São Gonçalo de Amarante - Ceará
First flexible liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal in Brazil. It has the capacity to transfer up to 7 million m³/day of natural gas to the Guamaré-Pecém Gas Pipeline (Gasfor) and serves mainly the thermoelectric plants in Ceará.
Picture of the Petrobras Pecém LNG Regasification Terminal.
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Ribeirão Preto

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Ícone do botão Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo
It stores and distributes diesel oil, gasoline, and LPG to distribution companies in the region, in addition to LPG road loading.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Ribeirão Preto.
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Rio Grande

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Ícone do botão Rio Grande - Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande is the southernmost waterway terminal in Brazil. It has tankage for derivates and special products, from which oil, toluene, and xylene are transported. It also transships LPG and supplies drillships with bunkers.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Rio Grande
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Ícone do botão Santos - São Paulo
It operates as a stock regulator for the production of derivates. The activities we carry out include: transferring and receiving products from drillships; bunker supply on ships moored in the Port of Santos; receiving and shipping to refineries; shipping LPG to companies in the region.
  • Pipelines to Cubatão
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Santos.
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São Caetano do Sul

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Ícone do botão São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo
The terminal receives, stores, and transfers derivatives and alcohol to: distribution companies; the Barueri, Guarulhos, Guararema, Cubatão, Santos, and São Sebastião terminals; the Revap, Recap, RPBC, and Replan refineries; Usina Piratininga, Petroquímica União, and Utingás.
  • OBATI oil pipeline
  • RC08, RCES, and RC16 oil pipelines
  • SSPA 1 and 2 oil pipelines
  • SSPB, SSPC, and SSPT oil pipelines
  • OSVAT 16 oil pipeline
  • OSVAT 22 and 24 oil pipelines
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in São Caetano do Sul.
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São Francisco do Sul

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Ícone do botão São Francisco do Sul - Santa Catarina
The terminal receives petroleum from drillships, unloaded by monobuoy. From there, the crude oil is sent via submarine pipelines to the terminal. We use the terminal to store and transfer the product to the Paraná Refinery via the Santa Catarina-Paraná oil pipeline.
  • OSPAR pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in São Francisco do Sul.
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São Luís

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Ícone do botão São Luís - Maranhão
The terminal receives and stores petroleum derivates and LPG, which are transferred to the distributors installed in the Port of Itaqui, and provides bunkers for ships. We also use the terminal as an export and coastal navigation entrepôt to smaller terminals.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in São Luís.
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São Sebastião 

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Ícone do botão São Sebastião - São Paulo
This is the largest terminal operated by Transpetro. São Sebastião receives petroleum by tanker and supplies 4 refineries in the state of São Paulo. Derivates enter and leave the terminal through the Guararema-Paulínia oil pipeline and by drillships, which send them to other national ports or for export.
  • OSPLAN I oil pipeline
  • OSBAT oil pipeline
  • OSVAT oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in São Sebastião.
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Senador Canedo

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Ícone do botão Senador Canedo - Goiás
It stores and distributes diesel oil, gasoline, QAV, and LPG to distribution companies in the region, in addition to road loading at the bases.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Senador Canedo.
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Ícone do botão Suape - Pernambuco
It is responsible for storing petroleum derivates and alcohol, as well as loading/unloading them in tank trucks and tank wagons. From there, we transfer the derivates to distributors and transfer them between tankers ships and drillships.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Suape.
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Ícone do botão Uberaba - Minas Gerais
It stores and distributes diesel oil, gasoline, and alcohol to distribution companies in the region, in addition to road and railroad loading at the bases.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Uberaba.
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Ícone do botão Uberlândia - Minas Gerais
It stores and distributes diesel oil, gasoline, LPG, and alcohol to distribution companies in the region, in addition to road loading at the bases.
  • OSBRA oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Uberlândia.
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Ícone do botão Vitória - Espírito Santo
It receives petroleum derivates by oil tanker and supplies the distribution companies. The terminal operates fuel oil for local industries and supplies drillships with marine and bunker diesel using barges.
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Vitória.
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Volta Redonda

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Ícone do botão Volta Redonda - Rio de Janeiro 
It is responsible for supplying alcohol, diesel, and gasoline to the group of distribution companies. The terminal receives fuel oil by tank trucks and pumps it to CSN.
  • OSVOL oil pipeline
  • OSRIO oil pipeline
Picture of the Petrobras logistics terminal in Volta Redonda.

Learn more about our terminals

Access the Transpetro website to see more information and documents about all our onshore and waterway terminals.

Do you know the Port of Macaé?

At the end of the 1970s, the port area of Macaé/RJ enabled the creation of what would become home to one of the largest petroleum complexes in the world: the Campos Basin.

Petroleum and export is also part of our routine

In addition to transporting our products across the Brazilian territory, we also import and export petroleum and its derivates to other countries. Thus, our logistics model not only takes our energy, but also generates gains for the company and for the Brazilian economy.
Maybe you ask yourself: “why do we care if Brazil is self-sufficient in petroleum production?”. This happens because there are different types of petroleum, which require specific refining processes — the heavier they are, the greater the complexity required. Pre-salt oil, for example, is considered light and of high value.
In these cases, it is possible to import oils not produced by the company to combine with our petroleum (the so-called “blend”) and adapt to our refining processes. Want to know more about our technologies?

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