Environmental licensing: acting with knowledge and responsibility
Before starting our operation somewhere, we analyze the possible impacts and we go through environmental licensing processes. Understand.
Environmental licensing plays an important role for us, at Petrobras, and for the environment. This is because it is a crucial element for the socioeconomic and sustainable development process of the country, with the aim of preserving the quality of life in the region.
As it is a legal obligation, we strictly follow all guidelines and norms for execution thereof, such as Federal Law 6,938/81, Complementary Law 140/2011, and CONAMA Resolutions No. 001/86 and No. 237/97.
We share this obligation with licensing bodies at the federal, state, and municipal environmental levels.
The articulation with IBAMA enables the environmental licensing in large undertakings in the oil and gas industry, the environmental impacts of which occur in more than one state or which are developed in the continental shelf or territorial waters.
When the environmental impact is considered significant, the environmental agency involves social participation in the decision-making process for the license. This occurs through public hearings, which are held by us, and have the participation of various bodies and communities located in the areas of influence of the enterprise or activity.
Below you can access our Environmental Impact Studies (EIA), Environmental Impact Reports (RIMA), and Simplified Environmental Reports (RAS), monitor the scheduling of public hearings and search the main environmental licenses in force in our projects. Check out:
Here you will find the Environmental Impact Reports for projects in progress.
Calls for public hearings, as well as the minutes, can be found at the Transparency Portal.
Santos Basin Communication
The Santos Basin is the largest marine sedimentary basin in Brazil, with a total area of over 350,000 square kilometers, stretching from Cabo Frio (RJ) to Florianópolis (SC).
Our first activities in the Santos Basin began in the 1970s, when Petrobras started its exploration and production activities in the region.
Our activities in Espírito Santo lands began in September 1957, when the EG-10 gravimetry team arrived in the northern region of Espírito Santo to carry out the first exploratory studies. At that time, Petrobras was completing 4 years of creation, and everything was very new and experimental, the first onshore test well being drilled only two years later, in 1959, in Conceição da Barra (ES).
The discovery of oil in Espírito Santo occurred in 1967, in the region of Nativo, in São Mateus (ES). The test well, however, was not commercially viable for production, which would only occur with another test well drilled in the same region two years later, in 1969, starting onshore production in the State.
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