ESG for Suppliers
ESG Journey for Suppliers
Aiming at improving Petrobras' sustainable contracting and supplier management practices, training on the topics of Quality, Environment, Safety, Health, Climate Change, Human Rights, Compliance, among others.
The courses can be acessed throuth the Academia UP - Supplies plataform.
ESG Questionnaire
This questionnaire aims to measure the maturity of our supply chain in ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) themes and actions.
These are questions related to the three dimensions:
- Environmental: Environment and Continuous Improvement, GHG Emissions (Decarbonization), Waste Management, Water Security, Biodiversity.
- Social: Human Rights.
- Governance: LGPD and Ethics.
To respond click here.
New Technology Suggestion Form
We support and encourage projects and new technologies that contribute to sustainability in our operations.
To present new ideas, fill out the form or access using the QrCode below.
Contact us for questions or clarifications via email:
The podcasts are approximately 10 minutes long. To watch, click below:
Introduction - ESG for Suppliers
Environmental - ESG for Suppliers
Social - ESG for Suppliers
Governance - ESG for Suppliers
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