We evaluate each supplier pursuant to criteria. These criteria are determined according to the type of supply and families reported at the company’s Identification stage.
Critério legal
Legal Criterion
This criterion aims to check whether the obligations with government agencies have been met by evaluating a few documents that every company legally constituted in its country of origin has.
The submitted documents must be valid at the time the questionnaire is submitted.
Critério econômico
Economic Criterion
This criterion aims to survey accounting indicators to provide a diagnosis about the supplier’s true economic and financial condition.
Accounting indicators considered are:
Current Liquidity
General Liquidity
General Solvency
Net Worth
The documents submitted by Brazilian suppliers must be signed by the company’s legal representative and accountant.
Critério técnico
Technical Criterion
The purpose of this criterion is to analyze the company’s capacity to produce the goods and/or provide the services, evaluating supply tradition and performance. The requirements vary according to the scope of the intended family.
If the company has already provided Goods and/or Services to Petrobras, the service contract number or purchase order number for the delivered goods is sufficient to prove the tradition of performance.
Critério técnico-SMS
TEC-SMS (HSE Criterion)
The objective is to verify the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSSO) in accordance with the Environmental Management System (SGA) and the ISO 14001 standard for service provider companies.
Inclusion of new SMS requirements in the qualification and performance evaluation of suppliers:
The certification in the ISO 45.001 standard (Occupational Health and Safety Management System - SGSSO) has been made mandatory as a requirement for the qualification stage of companies participating in tenders related to contractual objects that have a history of serious or fatal accidents.
Click here to learn all the details of the process.
Suppliers who submit the ISO 14001 certification will be exempt from the other EMS requirements.
Suppliers who submit the OHSAS 18001 or ISO 45001 certification will be exempt from the other OHSMS requirements.
Critério Linha de Fornecimento (LFO)
Supply Line Criterion (LFO)
Self-declaratory criterion, where the details of each category the company wishes to register for must be provided.
Once the company declares compliance with the requirements of the categories, it may be assigned the registration status "D – Declaration of Interest." This status will be maintained until the supplier undergoes evaluation during the qualification stage of the contracting process.
Critério revenda/distribuição
Resale/distribution criterion
Aims to link the manufacturer's data to the reseller/distributor, according to the following classifications:
Authorized: resellers or distributors who present a letter of authorization and have been evaluated;
Unauthorized: resellers or distributors who do not present the letter of authorization or have not yet been evaluated.
In addition to legal and economic criteria approval, the supplier will only be able to resell if the informed manufacturer is duly qualified in the intended family.
Critério integridade
Integrity criterion
Evaluation of reputation, suitability, and anti-corruption practices in accordance with the completion of the Integrity Due Diligence (DDI) questionnaire.
Go to the section on Compliance to get to know the DDI better.
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Supplier register
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