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Novelties to increase transparency and participation in our hiring.
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Standardization catalog

We use standardized documents in several of our hirings. These documents can be checked out on the Electronic Standardization Catalog (CEP).

Using the catalog does not prevent us from making the necessary adjustments to each bidding procedure in order to adapt the standardized documentation to the specificities of the hiring.
Call for Tenders
Models of public notices and addenda for tenders, public auctions, requests for proposals for direct contracts and calls for pre-qualification.
Contract Templates
Petrobras has a standard service contract template used in its procurement processes. The disclosure of Petrobras' standard template does not prevent necessary adaptations to tailor the clauses of this template to the specifics of each contract.

Additionally, for certain categories, Petrobras has developed Specialty Templates, which can be accessed via the button below.
Technical Standards
Petrobras Technical Standards establish the technical requirements and practices used and its suppliers for project activities, manufacturing, construction & assembly, commissioning, operation, inspection, and maintenance.

Petrobras Technical Standards (NTPs) are our exclusive property and are thereby subject to applicable intellectual property laws. The NTPs available here are those classified as public.

Who download the NTPs acknowledge all the Clauses of Assignment for Public NTPs.
Petrobras Technical Standars
Qualification Requirements
Requirements used to register, qualify, and pre-qualify suppliers according to the families (supply lines) of goods and services.
Quality Requirements

Requirements were established to ensure the quality in the direct supply of critical and strategic goods for the Petrobras System. To learn more about the quality audits we conduct, click here.

Watch the video we prepared to assist in understanding the process of supplying goods to Petrobras, especially regarding the main points of the Quality Requirements for Goods.

Quality Requirements
General Quality Requirement
Complementary Quality Requirement
Technical specifications
Our technical specifications feature the best practices and requirements for the delivery of various goods and services. The documents related to the specifications can be accessed below, per category.

Send questions or suggestions about the TSs that have been published to
Technical specifications
Our technical specifications feature the best practices and requirements for the delivery of various goods and services. The documents related to the specifications can be accessed below, per category.

Send questions or suggestions about the TSs that have been published to
Work uniforms and clothes for the various activities/jobs carried out at Petrobras are an important part of the personal protection equipment. For graphic representations of uniforms and clothing our work force wears, go to the work uniforms and clothes visual reference guide.
entries : 1
filteredEntries : 0
Decommissioning and Sale of Platforms
Drilling Rig
Qualification Requirements - PEOSONDAS
IOGP Technical Specifications for Equipment Procurement
Leased Unit – Reference
Own EEP - Basic Project All Electric 225kbpd
Static Equipment
Own EEP - Basic Project for Revitalization
Own EEP - Draft Contract for FPSO Supply
Health, Safety and Environment
Additional Combined Protective Clothing Against Flash Fire (FF) and High Temperatures (T)
Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres
Work at Height - Protective Sets and Accessories
Industrial Equipment – Electrical
Criteria for Electrical Design
Typical Single-Line Diagrams
Juridic Services
Operational Support
Subsea Systems
Submarine Pipelines
Rigid Pipeline
Subsea Equipment
Vessel Chartering
Accommodation Vessels
Completion and Evaluation
Decommissioning and Sale of Platforms
Drilling Rig
Qualification Requirements - PEOSONDAS
IOGP Technical Specifications for Equipment Procurement
Leased Unit – Reference
Own EEP - Basic Project All Electric 225kbpd
Static Equipment
Own EEP - Basic Project for Revitalization
Own EEP - Draft Contract for FPSO Supply
Health, Safety and Environment
Additional Combined Protective Clothing Against Flash Fire (FF) and High Temperatures (T)
Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres
Work at Height - Protective Sets and Accessories
Industrial Equipment – Electrical
Criteria for Electrical Design
Typical Single-Line Diagrams
Juridic Services
Operational Support
Subsea Systems
Submarine Pipelines
Rigid Pipeline
Subsea Equipment
Vessel Chartering
Accommodation Vessels
Completion and Evaluation




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