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How a bidding
procedure works

Here we describe how the opportunities are divulged, the content of a public notice, and the stages of the bidding procedure.
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Bidding procedure stages

1 - Submission of bids

We received the proposals or bids on the date and time specified in the notice and, at the appropriate time, available on the Petronect Portal.

In the case of auctions conducted through the open dispute mode or the bidding process, the initially presented prices will be ranked according to the evaluation criteria defined in the notice. Bidders may submit new prices during the bidding phase.

2 - Judgment and verification of effectiveness

At this stage, we rank the proposals according to the evaluation criteria and analyze the compliance of the top-ranked proposal with the requirements set forth in the notice and its attachments.

If it is found that the highest-ranked proposal does not meet all the established requirements, it will be disqualified, and the subsequent proposal will be examined, maintaining the original ranking order.

3 - Negotiation

Once the compliance of the proposal with the requirements defined in the notice and its attachments is confirmed, we will negotiate more favorable terms with the proposer.

If the price of the highest-ranked proposal, even after negotiation, remains above the reference budget, we will negotiate with the other bidders in the order initially established. If no bidder provides a value equal to or less than the reference budget for the contract, the bidding process will be canceled.

4 - Qualification

At this stage, we evaluate the requirements that must be met to demonstrate the bidder’s integrity and capacity to execute the object of the bid. The qualification for the procurement of goods and services will be assessed based on the parameters of Article 58 of Law 13.303/16 and its respective criteria. These are presented here.

The submission of qualification documents will only be required from the bidder ranked first, except in cases where phase inversion is applied, as an exception under the State-Owned Companies Law. When the first-ranked bidder is disqualified, the documents of the subsequent bidders will be requested and evaluated in the order of their classification.

Documents required at the qualification stage may be wholly or partially substituted by the Certificate of Cadastral Registration or Pre-Qualification Register, when compatible with the requirements for the contract object, as per the notice.

Acquisition of rights and hiring of obligations - legal criterion
Evaluates whether the bidder meets the legal regularity requirements requested at the qualification phase.
Technical Qualification - Technical Criterion
The Technical Criterion aims to assess the company’s capacity to produce goods and/or provide services. The criteria are defined according to different categories and may be adjusted based on specific requirements of each bidding process. Since the submission and evaluation of documents will only be carried out during the qualification stage of each bid, this category includes some sample documents that may be requested:
Technical Qualification - TEC-SMS Criterion

The TEC-SMS Criterion aims to verify the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) in accordance with ISO 45001 certification, and the Environmental Management System (EMS) in accordance with ISO 14001 certification, for service providers. Proof documents will only be requested during the qualification stage of the bidding processes.

Below are some of the sample documents that may be requested at this stage:

Economic and financial capacity - Economic criteria
Checks the bidder’s economic solidity to ensure their financial condition to complete the supply of the good or service provided in the bid announcement. Compliance with this requirement will be evaluated based on accounting indicators, drawn from the documents required of the bidder (balance sheet, statement of income for the year, cash flow statement).

To find out the documents needed to prove legal, technical, and economic qualifications, access the supply list on the Petronect Portal.

Bidders who hold a Pre-Qualification Registration or Cadastral Registration Certificate, either fully or partially, can use these to substitute the documents required at the qualification stage, when compatible with the requirements for the contract object, as outlined in the notice. Therefore, Cadastral Registration is of great importance to those interested in participating in Petrobras contracting opportunities.

If the supplier does not have a cadastral registration, we can process their registration using the documentation submitted at the qualification stage.

To understand how the Cadastral Registration process works, click here.

5 - Appeal

The appeals phase is a single phase and occurs after the completion of the qualification stage. Appeals must be submitted within five business days from the publication of the conclusion of the phase and should be addressed to the superior authority through the bidding committee or the auctioneer.

The publication of the appeals submitted will be done on the business day following the end of the appeal submission period mentioned above. Bidders may file objections to the appeals within five business days from the publication of the appeals.

Exceptionally, in cases of bidding with phase inversion, bidders may submit appeals after the qualification and after the effectiveness verification.

6 - Homologation, revocation and cancellation

Upon completion of the appeals phase, we may either approve the result, revoke the process, or annul it. In the case of approval, the winning bidder will be summoned to sign the contractual instrument.

If the bidding process is annulled or revoked after the submission of proposals has begun, bidders may express their interest in contesting. A period of five business days will be granted, starting from the publication of the annulment or revocation of the bid.

The contestation should be directed, through the bidding committee or the auctioneer, to the authority hierarchically superior to the one who made the contested decision.




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