It is of extreme relevance to recognize the challenges and opportunities associated with climate change and the energy transition. Petrobras believes that achieving climate and sustainability goals are critical for social well-being and economic resilience, contributing to increasing productivity and, combined with other measures, to reducing inequality.
In the context of climate change mitigation, we have achieved expressive reductions in operational emissions in recent years. We have the ambition to neutralize greenhouse gas emissions in activities under our control (Scopes 1 and 2) and influence our partners to achieve the same ambition in assets not operated by Petrobras, in a period compatible with the Paris Agreement.
To accelerate the company's decarbonization, contributing to the global cause of climate change mitigation, it is essential the supply chain engagement to:
- knowing the greenhouse gas emissions related to the contracted services and products;
- establishing actions to provide the reduction of GHG emissions, whether in the efficiency of production and logistics processes or in technology innovation offering products with less impact.
Regarding engagement and quantification of greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain (scopes 1 and 3), our main sources of information are the companie's sustainability reports, the GHG Protocol and the company survey carried out in partnership with CDP - Supply Chain. Visit the
CDP website for up-to-date information.