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How a contract

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Supplier performance evaluation

We periodically evaluate our suppliers’ performance in the contracts for the supply of goods and services. We look into the Quality, Time, Management, and HSE criteria in order to measure performance in contracted item delivery.

Supplier performance evaluation

We periodically evaluate our suppliers’ performance in the contracts for the supply of goods and services. We look into the Quality, Time, Management, and HSE criteria in order to measure performance in contracted item delivery.

Supplier Performance Index

We use the Supplier Performance Index (Portuguese acronym IDF) to measure the performance of companies related to the supply of goods and services in effective contracts in effect from October 24, 2016.

Each supplier is rated with a global IDF score that ranges from 1 (very bad) to 6 (excellent) and reflects the average score of each good provided or service rendered in the previous 12 months.

IDF scores are assigned by delivery, family, and based on the supplier’s global score. All of them can be checked out on the Petronect Portal.
  • Service IDF: Evaluation through standardized questionnaires. We analyze the term, quality, management, and SEH.
  • Goods IDF: Delivery evaluation. We analyze quality and delivery time.
In the case of service contracts signed before October 24, 2016, the Performance Evaluation Bulletin (Portuguese acronym BAD) scores on a scale of 0 to 100 are converted into IDF scores.

Conceito de Desempenho de Fornecedores

O Conceito de Desempenho do Fornecedor possui uma escala de 1 a 5 estrelas que considera, simultaneamente, 4 parâmetros para atribuir uma nota ao fornecedor: 
a) IDF Global; 
b) IDF Global por Macrocritério (Gestão, Prazo, Qualidade e SMS); 
c) Quantidade de Ocorrências alta gravidade; 
d) Quantidade de Ocorrências de média gravidade.

Para consultar seu Conceito de Desempenho de Fornecedor e os seus parâmetros, o fornecedor pode acessar o Painel de Colaboração (Cadastro na Petrobras > Resultados da Avaliação > Painel de Colaboração).

As ocorrências são fatos ou eventos registrados em razão da execução contratual e do relacionamento da PETROBRAS com o Fornecedor e podem ser classificadas com gravidade alta ou média, possuindo impactos diferenciados no Conceito de Desempenho.

São ocorrências de alta gravidade:
a)Rescisões Contratuais;
b)Auditoria de Qualidade com resultado (IQF – Índice de Qualidade do Fornecedor) inferior a 70%;
c)COD crítico com plano de ação sem implementação ou concluído sem eficácia.

d) Divergência Grave de Material

São ocorrências de média gravidade:
a)Auditoria de Qualidade com resultado (IQF – Índice de Qualidade do Fornecedor) entre 70% e 80%;
b)COD moderado ou severo com plano de ação sem implementação ou concluído sem eficácia.

Cálculo do Conceito de Desempenho Global

A apuração do Conceito de Desempenho considera requisitos mínimos que devem ser atendidos em todos os parâmetros simultaneamente. O cálculo é realizado diariamente e de forma automática pelo sistema de gestão da Petrobras, conforme tabela abaixo:
Imagem do Card
O IDF Global e o IDF Global por Macrocritérios serão considerados apenas se o fornecedor possuir 6 ou mais avaliações IDF nos últimos 12 meses.

As Ocorrências de Alta e Média gravidade serão considerados caso tenham ocorrido nos 12 meses anteriores à data do cálculo.

Tratamento de divergências

System of consequences

We apply the following consequence measures to suppliers as provided for in our System of Consequences, in compliance with the current legislation:
  • Administrative Sanctions: Warning, suspension, administrative fine, and prohibition from participating in bidding and contracting with the Petrobras System.
  • Impediment from participating in hiring and signing of contracts: This may occur due to sanctions applied by Petrobras; Transparency Portal sanctions applicable to Petrobras; High Degree of Integrity Risk (GRI); termination from the National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ - Brazilian Companies) at the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service, and precautionary blocks.
  • Non-qualification in Bidding: Performance evaluations can be used as a requirement to qualify suppliers in hiring processes. Suppliers with Low IDFs may be disqualified from public bidding under the argument of unsatisfactory technical quality.
  • Disqualification in the Registry: The supplier’s registration and the status of its families of goods and services may be subject to revision due to Low Performance, resulting in technical disqualification (cancellation) from families; this may eventually be reversed. For this, the supplier must submit justification and an action plan to the Petronect Portal’s Contact Us section, which will be subject to analysis.

CASA - The Commission for Analysis of Sanctions Application and Self Cleaning

In situations where a supplier engages in illicit acts or acts that cause or have the potential to cause harm to Petrobras, the Commission for Analysis of Sanctions Application (CASA) should be nominated. The CASA (local acronym is CAASE), after granting the supplier its right to a full defense, may recommend to the competent authorities the application of consequences.

One of the measures adopted in the consequences system is the blocking of suppliers through administrative sanctions, in accordance with Article 83 of Law 13.303/2016. These suppliers are prohibited from participating in new bidding processes and signing new contracts with Petrobras.

The same law establishes in Article 37, § 2, that companies that are administratively sanctioned may demonstrate the overcoming of the reasons that led to the imposed restriction against them, aiming for exclusion from the register of sanctioned companies (self cleaning).

To do so, it is necessary to present all the measures already implemented with the intention of demonstrating such overcoming. In this process, various tools are adopted to verify the effectiveness of the actions reported by the supplier, such as documentary analysis of evidence, evaluation within the scope of other existing contracts with Petrobras, and/or third-party auditing.

The Self Cleaning Handbook will help suppliers understand in more detail how this procedure works




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